hypnosis – Real Smart Hypnosis http://realsmart-hypnosis.com Tue, 30 Aug 2022 03:11:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Simple Secondary Gain http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/simple-secondary-gain/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 02:13:21 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=58 Read More »Simple Secondary Gain]]>
Simple Secondary Gain.

Secondary gain is really quite easy to understand as long as we except a straightforward idea.

“Every behaviour has a positive intent.”

For anyone to behave in a certain way do things repeatedly and have developed certain habits, this behaviour must serve a definite purpose.

As long as you consider this, everything else makes sense no matter how stupid it may seem. Your subconscious mind operates to a different set of rules to your conscious mind.

In personal change work where someone is doing something and can’t stop it, or not doing things that they know will make a difference, any good therapist says

OK, how is this serving this client what benefits are they getting.”

First off Conscious Secondary Gain.

We call it this as at some point in time a decision has been made, at a conscious level of mind, that this is of some benefit to the person.

Later they may well have forgotten this, choose to ignore it (denial), and not want to consider it, admit it and maybe in total self-denial of the possibility.

Where you know you are lying and making up excuses for yourself or others. However, you still choose to do it. This too has a positive intent.

This can range from something simple like a decision to start smoking or drinking believing they will handle stress easier or to cover up some emotional inadequacy.

Often young people who lack life skills and maturity believe that these two habits will make them look cool, fit in with the crowd, make them more attractive and give them self-confidence.

These are all good reasons at the time, maybe not the best choices, but they do get the result at the time for the person. So they had and may still have a positive intent.

Another example may be.

Stress of some kind. Stress is indeed one of the most fascinating things. Entirely controllable and beneficial and a handy tool to get things done. With very few exceptions self-inflicted. So we are responsible for it and getting rid of it.

What could some of the benefits be of using stress as an excuse? Well first off if we admit we do it to ourselves, we have to take the responsibility to do something about it. We may have to learn new skills, acquire knowledge, practice. Stop blaming others. Ouch.

However, if we keep it, we may: Get paid sick leave from work for work-related stress. Get to stay at home all day and get paid for it and do what we want. Not have to make an effort. Keep smoking because we tell others we smoke to relax. Instead of learning how to relax at will.

We may get sympathy and other emotional benefits from family, friends and loved ones, some people do assume that attention means other people care. This does encourage dependency a ploy used by many to and prevents one of the essential skill in life. Resilience.

So what about Subconscious or unconscious secondary gain.

This is the fun one. Often the client will have no idea as to why the habit continues. It has gone unconscious became a habit an autopilot response and gone into that part of our old brain that is concerned with survival.

Our subconscious mind or at least a part of it does seem to have limited intelligence. This part is often called our inner child, by some. At this level of mind, decisions can be made, and it does seem that decisions are made that affect our lives, sometimes in extraordinary ways.

If we take our old reptilian brain out of the equation for the time being. We are when we arrive on this planet entirely dependent on our parents or the people who care for us. We learn how to be. We learn the skills we need to exist in the little group we belong to.

So we absorb many of the ideas, behaviours, opinions and choices that those around us live by. Basically, our child mind makes a decision to survive and watches those around it and says ” if I do what they do I will survive, they have.”

Our Inner Child is learning. Just like all children it lacks knowledge, understanding and a rational mind and has not yet gained emotional maturity or the mental skills it will need when an adult.

So it often excepts a silly thing, stupid things, irrational things and things that make no logical sense. When you look at it. It is a reality tunnel. All right a proper and how it is meant to be when a child.

A problem can arise if in later life one of these ideas or reality tunnels is not updated with new information, knowledge, facts, experience or a decision that it is no longer useful to live this way, or by these ideas.

Many of the rules we live by are unconscious, much of what drives us is outside our awareness, and that is how it is meant to be, it makes our lives more comfortable and more energy efficient.

However if one of those little rules of life is wrong, incorrect or outdated, or is the result of parental, social, educational or religious conditioning for the benefit of others, not us, we unless we have deep personal awareness have no idea about it.

So, let me give you a simple example.
I often get clients who want to improve the income they have. Once we have gotten all the usual stuff out of the way, we get down to the playing. It is then that we begin to make conscious some of the secondary gain stuff.

What the inner kid may have been told or chosen to believe, or had programmed into it. Consciously or unconsciously. If a child is raised by normal parents, it will see the income level of its parents and their friends and develop certain habits around money. If the people say things like.

“Money does not make you happy.” Dirty money. Earning enough is hard. Well, these people keep the kid alive so it must be true.

They may also develop habits and assumptions surrounding prosperity through there friends and peer group. Discovering that many are jealous and don’t want to play with them or be their friends if they have too much, or others will take advantage of them.

Our beliefs about money decide how much we will have. How many habits we will develop to acquire it. So if your inner child believes and excepts that money does not make you happy. Why would it want you to be unhappy? Why would it hurt you?

So it will do everything possible to stop you from being wealthy.
It is really very simple. Developing self-awareness will uncover many secondary gains in your life sometimes you also discover

Tertiary gains were someone other than you is benefiting from encouraging you to stay as you are.


phobias http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias-two/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 02:02:52 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=52 Read More »phobias]]> Remove your Phobias Fast
Phobias are not that difficult to get rid of, many years ago Dr Richard Bandler developed fast ways to do this. He put an ad in his local paper asking for people to get in touch with him if they had ever had a phobic response and got rid of it.

Many people replied and as he is a master hypnotist and NLP master he just found out how they did it, what they did in there minds to create the phobia. They were, after all, causing this highly emotional reaction themselves.

When he discovered what they were doing to create the situation he could show and teach them how to stop it. He could also programme their subconscious mind to behave differently

A phobia is an irrational, illogical, childish response to something. A true phobia fire’s off instantly as it has become a conditioned response that has gone on auto-pilot and deep into your subconscious mind and becomes a habit.

“sweating with fear”, “paralysed with fear”, “butterflies in the stomach” etc. are not phobias.

There is a big difference between anxiety, worry or something you are frightened off and curing anxiety or fear involves a different treatment than for curing a phobia, And they are removed daily.

A good definition of a phobia is “a fear of fear.”
You were only born with two fears of falling and loud noises Every other fear you learnt. So you can unlearn them.

So one of the first things we will discover is anxiety or phobia?
If it is a phobia, then NLP is the fastest way to be rid of them. Did you know one in nine people have a phobia of some sort – And one in twenty people have panic attacks at some stage in their lives?

Some common Phobias.
• Achluophobia – Fear of being in darkness
• Acrophobia – Fear of heights
• Agoraphobia – Fear of open spaces or fear of leaving home
• Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
• Aviophobia – Fear of flying
• Claustrophobia – Fear of being in closed spaces
• Demophobia – Fear of being in crowded places
• Mysophobia – Fear of germs or dirt
• Xenophobia – Fear of strangers

Other common phobias are:
Fear of Public Speaking, Dentists, Needles, Blood, Water, Bridges, Insects, Animals and Public Restrooms.

It does not matter how bright you are or what your IQ is, it is not the part of your mind that you think with that controls and makes up the biggest part of you. Your subconscious mind is the controller of your habits, desires, fears and anxieties. Not your conscious mind

Now you have the opportunity to be in control of your own brain, thoughts, feelings and how you chose to experience your reality. Using hypnosis, hypnotherapy NLP and EFT.

Your brain controls you, your whole life and this amazing part are in some ways no more than a sizeable biological computer. It has programs, and sometimes you get a glitch, maybe a conflict with some other program. It can be a program you installed or one you allowed someone else to install for you.

When you were young, many programs were installed by your carers, most vital for your survival, some not so good. As you matured, your brain has a way of dropping programs that are no longer approbate you your development. As you grow you automatically change your habits and beliefs for more useful ones.

Sometimes this gets stuck. You have a glitch. Or conflict in your operating system. Then you just have to remove inappropriate programs, that were good and useful at some part of your life, but now are no longer serving you.

You have experienced this on your own computer you install a new version of windows, and there is a conflict with the old operating system. And then you have to go in and fix it. Or get someone else to fix it for you.

Those of you who have seen Paul McKenna’s new TV show “I can change your life” are aware of how effective the process can be.

Paul McKenna is one of the people who trained me so you can experience the same fast, powerful and practical techniques to remove the glitches in your internal programs or system conflicts. remove your fears, anxieties, panic, worry.

Just look at the number of help files you get built into a computer today. And then there are books and manuals for each program.
How many operator manuals do you have for your own brain, and how many of them have you read and understood?

One of your problems is that you do not know … YET how you use your own brain.How to direct and control your emotions. The voices in your head. The movies you watch over and over again. How to feel what you choose.

Well, that is where I come in someone who has read the manuals understands them and has the skill and ability to fix your computer for you, and then show you what to do to keep it serving you.

Just as you need to dump files on your computer and remove old programs, the same happens with us. The system needs a cleanup. Sometimes it also needs a bigger hard drive or memory.

We also get something similar to a computer virus. We do have a virus scanner, and my clients learn how to install and run this, along with a defrag system.

Hypnosis Hypnotherapy and NLP gives us the tools to sort out your glitch. To fix your internal conflict on your operating systems, This allows you to remove subconscious conflicts and experience a better quality of life. Greater Joy, Happiness, Self Confidence, Less Stress and Higher Self Esteem.

And if you have kids. You will stop programming them with your fears, anxieties, panic and worries. So you will be able also to help your children’s children. Unless of course, you have something to gain by keeping your problem.

Negative Thoughts http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/negativethoughts/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 02:00:41 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=49 Read More »Negative Thoughts]]> Useful Help with Controlling Fear and Fears.

Most days I get called by people who are having problems with fears, being scared and frightened in their life and want help to overcome them. They no longer want to experience the pain and discomfort of it let alone the stress it brings.

It seems to be growing as many are now experiencing problems with finance, money problems due to the changing economy and threats of impending doom. This creates real concerns over the future and what may be. From job security, the kids, to growing concerns because their relationships are breaking down because of the stress of it all.

If you have looked through this site, you will know that I tell it as it is. So first off for you to help yourself, let’s look at this from a different point of view about your fears and what is frightening you.

Why would you want to get rid of something that nature gave you to avoid being hurt?

It is designed to save your life and make you aware of the danger. If this is the case, it is normal and natural to feel fear and sometimes be fearful and frightened of being hurt in life. When real danger is around it is a good signal to have. All it is doing is telling you to be more aware, switch on and take the necessary action, to take care of yourself or your loved ones.

It is time to look at the situation and do what needs to be done.
The powerful emotions are a way of getting your attention. That’s all.
Those feelings of uneasiness, apprehension and butterflies in your stomach are just a signal.

Now, what are you going to do about it?
We are not generally educated to the fact that we are able to do things when we get frightened, it is great for leaders and politicians, political leaders and religious leaders to have control over us. Knowing this it is easy to control people using fear, and we all do it in one form or another.

Most normal people have never learnt how to control the mind, emotions and the physical responses that we have when we get afraid.

All of the successful people, I have had the pleasure of meeting, in all walks of life admit that often they were frightened and scared to death at some point. From members of the armed forces, the emergency services to successful business people all agree that fear was something that they regularly courted and had learnt to handle, in fact, it made them as good as they are.

They have developed a way of dealing with it, they were still afraid and had developed an attitude of “I’ll handle it”. They had all the physical and emotional symptoms you have but learnt to use them or turn them off, they all decided to take action and accept responsibility for the next few seconds, hours or years.

When fears strike us, we can do one of three things, Run, Freeze or Fight.

Some people fight.
Like the successful people I have come into contact with, they take action and do stuff. They have also planned and learnt what they will need to do long before they need it or they were naturally flexible in their responses. In any real survival situation the most flexible and adaptable and realistic wins.

You can run this also includes hiding. Sometimes a good thing to do.
However. Many turn away and will not face what they have to do, and avoid doing things, don’t face up to responsibilities, this sometimes works.

You can also freeze.
Your mind puts you in a state where you are immobilised, unable to move, physically or emotionally or mentally. This state tends to be the most common, and you will see examples of this all around you.

It is all linked to your stress responses, and it is for this reason we always recommend the Reduce Stress MP3, it helps to turn off many of the unhelpful feeling and thoughts that you may be experiencing when fear hits and you become afraid and pulls you out of some of these states.

The truth is as an adult you are meant to know how to handle these situations. However, when it hits, another area of your mind will take over unless you have trained yourself to be different.

This area does not know the difference between what is real and what you have imagined. It’s a part of our old brain when it is activated to possible danger, a real one, a guy with a knife, or an imaginary one, they don’t like me, what if they leave me, Mr God will be unhappy with me.

Real or imaginary.
The question to ask your self is. Is it real or imaginary? Being near a cliff edge or a guy pulling a knife on you is real. Having just lost your job is real, the threat of what might happen is just that. At the moment you can take action to avoid the feared outcome. This is down to running your own mind, and you are going to have to learn this.

What usually happens is that your subconscious mind perceives a danger that may not be real. Due to how this part of us is made up and how your subconscious mind often works the threat is not real it is a fantasy, a part of you has made it up and the fear and anxiety you are feeling are a response to this, the feelings are real the chemicals are real however the threat is not.

If you look at your own emotional life and honestly answer these questions. How much time do you spend worrying? Feeling nervous? How often do you avoid public speaking? How many promotions have you lost due to feelings? How often do you work your self up by having arguments with people who are not there? How often do I feel fear?

Many relationship problems are due to us making stuff up inside our own minds and behaving as if it is true. It’s the truth I just made it up is a common habit.

So what can you do?
The first thing to understand is that you and only you are responsible for what you feel and for your own personal behaviour. No one does it to you, so the responsibility is yours. Your mind is a bit like a computer, and you will have to learn how to use it so that you can produce the best work or play.

At other times and for some people a lot more work will be involved however only you can decide how much of your life and the lives of those around you is being wasted because of the fear in your life.

If you want help contact me and I will be delighted to assist you. You can have a life were fear, stress and anxiety are something that affects you very little as you learn how to respond to them with a more mature outlook.

You see the difference is what you do. Up until now, you may not have known that you can handle this situation. When you know you can do this, then fear just makes you do it faster and with greater effectiveness. If you do not know what to do, then it will just turn you into a victim.

Some of our everyday fears, which of course includes worries and anxieties.

Public speaking and presentations, of going red and blushing, stuttering and stammering, being nervous in public places and social anxieties and concerns,

Fear of exams, examinations and taking the test, grading and competitions, of being put on the line and possibly not being good enough, of fear and success, and wealth and poverty, and not having enough.

Of health issues, becoming ill, illness and disease, of growing old, being in pain dying and death. Fear of heaven and hell, and god religion guilt, sin, and other religious groups, Christians Muslims and different peoples beliefs.

Being seen naked, sex, sexuality, love, being loved, intimacy and commitment, of breakups and getting together, fear of men or women, along with all our sexual related issues, is it, or am I big enough, or small enough, or round enough, will it stay up, can I get it up, I come to quick, or slow, I don’t enjoy sex any more with my partner, husband-wife or girlfriend or boyfriend. I am worried about not having orgasms or giving them,

Fears anxiety or worry about of changing partners, or finding new ones, or leaving one and all the body image issues of attractiveness, and weight and marriage and divorce and separation from the family and children.

Fear, worry and anxieties of travel, in buses or coaches, trains and on the tube, travelling in a car, motorways and driving fast, crossing bridges and high places, fear of flying, of being out of control and in enclosed spaces, terrorism and attack and being powerless and accidents. Boats, liners and ships, of being on the sea or oceans.

Of water, washing, dirt, germs and contamination. Of vomiting throwing up or other people doing it. Concerns over doctors, nurses consultants, dentists and hospitals, needles and sharp things and objects.

We have a whole range of animal glitches as well, dogs and cats, mice and rats, fish and snakes, reptiles and amphibians, to moths and birds and butterflies, bees and wasps and all manner of creepy crawly things.

Fears of natural events and mother nature, such things as earthquakes, tidal waves tsunami, thunder and lightning storms and rain, and floods and flooding and the dark.

Asteroids, meteoroids solar wind and of course now aliens and other cosmological events over which we have no control.

It would seem that the human mind can create fear, anxiety and worry over almost anything. Yet if you can learn to fear, you can also reverse it and learn how to overcome it and become stronger.

Your Subconscious Mind. http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/your-subconscious-mind/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:58:06 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=47 Read More »Your Subconscious Mind.]]>

Your Subconscious Mind.

Your mind has two parts. One is the conscious mind. That’s the part you think you think with. Its role is that of deciding what you want. Almost like a pilot who decides where they are going. And is the subject of a separate article.

The other part of your mind is your subconscious mind. This is the part that you are usually not aware of, yet it determines how you are what you do and how you experience your world.

Your subconscious mind works to a different set of rules to your conscious mind. And most of the difficulties you experience are the result of not knowing what the rules are, and what your subconscious mind believes.

She does seem to have her own beliefs many of which were programmed into you at an early age by others and later your own unhelpful beliefs.
Just like in any relationship if you do not know your partner’s rules are problems will arise.

So how does your subconscious operate?
Your subconscious does not know the difference between reality and fantasy. She can not tell the difference between what is real and what your fantasies or daydream.

She takes things literally.
She has logic however not as the conscious mind thinks.
She has a different way of experiencing time.
Does all this sound far-fetched.OK.

Have you ever been on your own and started to think about someone or something that annoyed you? And then discovered that you felt angry or upset by the way you were treated. Somehow you went from feeling fine to upset. No one else was in the room, so you did it to yourself.

You created a fantasy a daydream, your subconscious not being able to tell the difference between real and imagined, believed this was taking place now, so you got the feeling as real as if the event had taken place.

Have you ever gone into the future and brought back memories of an event that has not and may not happen. Total fantasy and you felt sad and upset. Some call this worry. Just take a moment and think about the implications of this.

Your subconscious also works differently from your conscious mind because one of the essential jobs of your subconscious is to keep mental processes unconscious.

All of your physiological processes are unconscious if you had to decide how often to breathe or take control of the pressure in your eyes. You would have no time for anything else.

She takes what you think and says to yourself literally.
Part of the deal is that your conscious mind is used to program your subconscious. Or should be. So these suggestions become a reality. It is essential for you to understand this.

Your subconscious is also the storehouse of all your emotions and memories. They come from your subconscious that is why the conscious mind has little control over your feelings unless you desire and train it.

One of the problems hypnotherapists sometimes face is that when someone has received training in an academic field, the conscious mind thinks it is in control. Very easy to disprove. What they want to change is a feeling. The realisation that they have little personal power over there emotional lives comes as quite a shock to them.

Your subconscious is taking everything literally.
Remember times when you needed to be somewhere that you did not want to be you, did not want to go? And you could not find your car keys. Somehow you negatively hallucinated away your keys so even though they were in front of you, they became invisible.

Your sub-con understood that you did not want to go as it would cause you discomfort and worked out that if it hid the keys from you. Problem solved.

I remember a personal incident when I agreed to help a friend and did not want to. I was driving to pick him up and did not want to and was thinking of all the excuses I could make. I have learnt to be different that was old conditioning to be friendly, kind, helpful and lie to others about your feelings

My passenger shouted “BREAK.” I turned and asked her why? As we hit the car in front. Now I take great pride in the fact that I am a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists., a ROSPA driver and have done courses on defensive driving and anti-hijacking.

What happened?
My subconscious mind took the request to find a way not to help that day and found a way to manifest my desire in the world. Logic.

Many of the rules we live by were great for a younger us but are very unhelpful for us adults. The beliefs we have about the world and ourselves are often untested and illogical. Many people believe stupid things.

Clearing out your old programs and conditioning learning about your assumptions and how they affect you and changing the unhelpful one.
Updating your mental and emotional skills Will change your life.

Our subconscious mind can become our own best friend. Having voices that encourage and support you inside your mind makes for a far more pleasant experience.

Knowing how you create fear and worry and stress no only allows you to remove it. It also allows the inside of your mind to be a funfair. So that instead of creating pain you create ecstasy.

You are after all going to live with it for the rest of your life.
Just a thought.

Control Fear http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/control-fearcontrol/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:55:40 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=41 Read More »Control Fear]]> Control Fear

Useful Help with Controlling Fear and Fears.

Most days I get called by people who are having problems with fears, being scared and frightened in their life and want help to overcome them. They no longer want to experience the pain and discomfort of it let alone the stress it brings.

It seems to be growing as many are now experiencing problems with finance, money problems due to the changing economy and threats of impending doom. This creates real concerns over the future and what may be. From job security, the kids, to growing concerns because their relationships are breaking down because of the stress of it all.

If you have looked through this site, you will know that I tell it as it is. So first off for you to help yourself, let’s look at this from a different point of view about your fears and what is frightening you.

Why would you want to get rid of something that nature gave you to avoid being hurt?

It is designed to save your life and make you aware of the danger. If this is the case, it is normal and natural to feel fear and sometimes be fearful and frightened of being hurt in life. When real danger is around it is a good signal to have. All it is doing is telling you to be more aware, switch on and take the necessary action, to take care of yourself or your loved ones.

It is time to look at the situation and do what needs to be done.
The powerful emotions are a way of getting your attention. That’s all.
Those feelings of uneasiness, apprehension and butterflies in your stomach are just a signal.

Now, what are you going to do about it?

We are not generally educated to the fact that we are able to do things when we get frightened, it is great for leaders and politicians, political leaders and religious leaders to have control over us. Knowing this it is easy to control people using fear, and we all do it in one form or another.

Most normal people have never learnt how to control the mind, emotions and the physical responses that we have when we get afraid.

All of the successful people, I have had the pleasure of meeting, in all walks of life admit that often they were frightened and scared to death at some point. From members of the armed forces, the emergency services to successful business people all agree that fear was something that they regularly courted and had learnt to handle, in fact, it made them as good as they are.

They have developed a way of dealing with it, they were still afraid and had developed an attitude of “I’ll handle it”. They had all the physical and emotional symptoms you have but learnt to use them or turn them off, they all decided to take action and accept responsibility for the next few seconds, hours or years.

When fears strike us, we can do one of three things, Run, Freeze or Fight.

Some people fight.

Like the successful people I have come into contact with, they take action and do stuff. They have also planned and learnt what they will need to do long before they need it or they were naturally flexible in their responses. In any real survival situation the most flexible and adaptable and realistic wins.

You can run this also includes hiding. Sometimes a good thing to do.

However. Many turn away and will not face what they have to do, and avoid doing things, don’t face up to responsibilities, this sometimes works.

You can also freeze.

Your mind puts you in a state where you are immobilised, unable to move, physically or emotionally or mentally. This state tends to be the most common, and you will see examples of this all around you.

It is all linked to your stress responses, and it is for this reason we always recommend the Reduce Stress MP3, it helps to turn off many of the unhelpful feeling and thoughts that you may be experiencing when fear hits and you become afraid and pulls you out of some of these states.

The truth is as an adult you are meant to know how to handle these situations. However, when it hits, another area of your mind will take over unless you have trained yourself to be different.

This area does not know the difference between what is real and what you have imagined. It’s a part of our old brain when it is activated to possible danger, a real one, a guy with a knife, or an imaginary one, they don’t like me, what if they leave me, Mr God will be unhappy with me.

Real or imaginary.

The question to ask your self is. Is it real or imaginary? Being near a cliff edge or a guy pulling a knife on you is real. Having just lost your job is real, the threat of what might happen is just that. At the moment you can take action to avoid the feared outcome. This is down to running your own mind, and you are going to have to learn this.

What usually happens is that your subconscious mind perceives a danger that may not be real. Due to how this part of us is made up and how your subconscious mind often works the threat is not real it is a fantasy, a part of you has made it up and the fear and anxiety you are feeling are a response to this, the feelings are real the chemicals are real however the threat is not.

If you look at your own emotional life and honestly answer these questions. How much time do you spend worrying? Feeling nervous? How often do you avoid public speaking? How many promotions have you lost due to feelings? How often do you work your self up by having arguments with people who are not there? How often do I feel fear?

Many relationship problems are due to us making stuff up inside our own minds and behaving as if it is true. It’s the truth I just made it up is a common habit.

So what can you do?
The first thing to understand is that you and only you are responsible for what you feel and for your own personal behaviour. No one does it to you, so the responsibility is yours. Your mind is a bit like a computer, and you will have to learn how to use it so that you can produce the best work or play.

At other times and for some people a lot more work will be involved however only you can decide how much of your life and the lives of those around you is being wasted because of the fear in your life.

If you want help contact me and I will be delighted to assist you. You can have a life were fear, stress and anxiety are something that affects you very little as you learn how to respond to them with a more mature outlook.

You see the difference is what you do. Up until now, you may not have known that you can handle this situation. When you know you can do this, then fear just makes you do it faster and with greater effectiveness. If you do not know what to do, then it will just turn you into a victim.

Some of our everyday fears, which of course includes worries and anxieties.

Public speaking and presentations, of going red and blushing, stuttering and stammering, being nervous in public places and social anxieties and concerns,

Fear of exams, examinations and taking the test, grading and competitions, of being put on the line and possibly not being good enough, of fear and success, and wealth and poverty, and not having enough.

Of health issues, becoming ill, illness and disease, of growing old, being in pain dying and death. Fear of heaven and hell, and god religion guilt, sin, and other religious groups, Christians Muslims and different peoples beliefs.

Being seen naked, sex, sexuality, love, being loved, intimacy and commitment, of breakups and getting together, fear of men or women, along with all our sexual related issues, is it, or am I big enough, or small enough, or round enough, will it stay up, can I get it up, I come to quick, or slow, I don’t enjoy sex any more with my partner, husband-wife or girlfriend or boyfriend. I am worried about not having orgasms or giving them,

Fears anxiety or worry about of changing partners, or finding new ones, or leaving one and all the body image issues of attractiveness, and weight and marriage and divorce and separation from the family and children.

Fear, worry and anxieties of travel, in buses or coaches, trains and on the tube, travelling in a car, motorways and driving fast, crossing bridges and high places, fear of flying, of being out of control and in enclosed spaces, terrorism and attack and being powerless and accidents. Boats, liners and ships, of being on the sea or oceans.

Of water, washing, dirt, germs and contamination. Of vomiting throwing up or other people doing it. Concerns over doctors, nurses consultants, dentists and hospitals, needles and sharp things and objects.

We have a whole range of animal glitches as well, dogs and cats, mice and rats, fish and snakes, reptiles and amphibians, to moths and birds and butterflies, bees and wasps and all manner of creepy crawly things.

Fears of natural events and mother nature, such things as earthquakes, tidal waves tsunami, thunder and lightning storms and rain, and floods and flooding and the dark.

Asteroids, meteoroids solar wind and of course now aliens and other cosmological events over which we have no control.

It would seem that the human mind can create fear, anxiety and worry over almost anything. Yet if you can learn to fear, you can also reverse it and learn how to overcome it and become stronger.

Fear Relief MP3 £15.00
Self Hypnosis Download.


Survival mode http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/survival-mode/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:30:06 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=35 Read More »Survival mode]]>

Survival Mode.

Some of the things stress can do.

Survival Mode. Things that happen to your body when you get the fight, freeze or run away responses. You may notice that many of these occur when you enter a stress state or become stressed. Reducing and removing worry, anxiety and feeling of fear produce the incredible relief of symptoms.

If you are in a dangerous situation or have allowed stress to hit, you’re body, and survival instincts will do some very cool things. It accelerated the stuff you need, like more blood and oxygen and energy, and it will shut down what you do not need.

Things like digestion, eating and absorption in your intestinal tract. It will get rid of waste matter you have, shut down your immune system, turn off your reproductive system, allow you to become highly emotional, and if you survive these things will be reversed.

You release the catecholamine hormones, amongst other things, which causes your body to go on high alert status, and this causes physical reactions that will allow you to be ready for violent muscular action and these include the following.

Acceleration of your heart and lung action.
You are going to need all the blood and oxygen you can get, this is one of the reasons why when you get stressed you breath faster when anxiety or worry strikes it is a common symptom and can lead to hyperventilation. Your circulation changing can cause you to go as “white as a ghost” or cause you to blush and your face or neck to flash red. So if you suffer from excessive blushing, now you know why.

Loss of Hearing.
Have you ever wondered why it is that when you are having an argument or yourself arguing with someone, often you feel as if they are not listening to you and can’t understand your point of view? You on the other hand often ignore many of the valid points they make.

Tunnel vision and loss of peripheral vision.
How many times when stress hits are you in a position where you just can’t see. It is not only physical vision that is affected it is also emotional vision. Have you ever needed to go somewhere and you really do not want to go?

Suddenly you are unable to find your car keys. You look everywhere, your partner asks what are you looking for? “My bloody cars keys, I can’t find them.”
“Darling they are right under your nose, right in front of you.”

Ever wondered why when you get highly emotional and stressed you: “I can’t see a way out of this” “It looks bleak” “Just can’t see how to do this.”

Acceleration of instantaneous reflexes. This is a big no-brainer. Often under high stress, we can strike, hit or attack people. If we are over emotionally or have been unwise and allowed pressure to build up, often it is the people we love who we attack.

General effect on the sphincters of the body.
If you have to fight or run, it is an excellent idea for you to dump toxins, it may also put off your attacker. Dropping these will make you lighter and faster, even if you get injured there is less chance of this waste matter infecting you. Ever wondered why before an interview, exam or test, if you are feeling nervous, you have to keep going to the loo.

Sorting out interview nerves and exam stress will sort this out. Often people who suffer from the effects of “Irritable Bowel Symptoms” respond very well to a course in stress management.

Digestion will shut down.
A lot of energy is used to digest the food we eat, and mother nature wants all the power it can get to keep you alive, so she shuts down your digestion. If you live, she will turn it back on later. Ever wondered why we get so many stomach and gut pains and intestinal problems when we are stressed? Or why it is that many people who have had a significant upset in life lose weight?

The immune system will be slowed down or turned off.
Once again at this moment in time, it is not needed, this part of your survival uses a lot of energy to keep you alive if you survive it will go on high alert and be entirely used to repair any injury and heal any wounds you may have.

You may have noticed that some people get ill after a significant life event. My father got diabetes after my mother was diagnosed with cancer. People who have suffered from long-term stress often get, and doctors now recognise that stress and its harmful effects directly contribute to many illnesses.

Nutrients particularly fat and glucose get fired into your body for muscular action.
Lots of instantly available power, but the type of fuel you need in this situation is different from what you would typically use.

Needing to fight, freeze or run away for a long time will keep these fuel types in your body and if they are not used for a real fight, freeze or run away. Guess what happens to them? Your heart and circulatory system are affected. People who are relaxed, seem to be healthier and have happier lives live longer.

Inhibition of the lacrimal gland which is responsible for your tear production and salivation. Ever wondered why you have a “dry mouth” when nervous or in some highly emotional situations you are “unable to cry” when that would be a natural and healthy response?

Reproductive system shuts down.
This is a no-brainer. At the moment I need to kill, freeze or run like hell. Our reproductive system and sexual desire and drives play a large part in our lives so it will come as no surprise that these systems use a lot of energy.

It may even be that all we are is a means of mother nature to spread DNA, as wide as possible and she has devised an excellent way of doing this. However stress, anxiety worry and fear will directly affect this area of our being.

Many “sex-related disorders and anxieties” are directly affected by this result, and our reproductive system can slow down or shut down. We all know of cases where a couple have been trying for a baby for some time, and nothing seems to work, they have infertility problems, yet when they give up, or stop trying, or foster a child. Suddenly they become pregnant.

These are just some of the main effects that being in a constant state of high alert and ignoring the impact of stress in our lives can have.

Instant Stress Relief MP3 £15.00
Self Hypnosis Download.


Nlptherapy http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/nlptherapy/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:16:32 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=32 Read More »Nlptherapy]]> NLP Therapy

NLP Therapy Fast Change in Warwickshire

Do You Want To Be Free From

Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Phobias and Fears
Emotional Problems
Anger Management
Negative Thinking
Low Self Confidence

Now you can be…and it’s Easy Fun and Fast
Call Today

All though most Neuro Linguistic Programmers would not use the term NLP Therapy, for the sake of the search engines and common searched terms I will use it here.

Therapy sessions using NLP techniques.

NLP therapy is carried out in an awake state, and is therefore particularly suitable for people who do not understand the nature of Hypnosis, and who still would like to benefit from a fast and effective form of therapy.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a model of how we structure our own unique experiences in life. How we build the maps of reality that we each use to structure our worlds. Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) we discover, patterns of thought, beliefs, values and help you to change.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is very quick and effective, 1 to 2 sessions are all that is usually required.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is active and focused on outcomes empowering you to change your own perceptions of the past, present and your future.

The emphasis will be on how you create, how you are today from experiences past and present as well as your ideas about your future. The main focus is on how rather than why.

Some of the things we may work with together

• Changing Behaviours
• Enhancing Existing Behaviours
• Developing New Skills and Resources
• Changing Your Perceptions of Events
• Transforming Limiting Belief

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

You could think of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as an owner’s manual for the brain.
You were not born with the manual.

NLP is the knowledge of how your brain codes your learnings and experiences. This coding affects all of your behaviour and how you perceive the world around you. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is your key to reaching your goals and achieving excellence In all area of your life.

The ‘Neuro’ part of NLP acknowledges the fundamental idea that all behaviour stems from our neurological processes of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and feeling. We experience the world through our five senses, making sense of the information and then acting on it.

The ‘Linguistic’ part of the title indicates that we use language and other non-verbal communication to order our thoughts and behaviour and to communicate with others.

The ‘Programming’ refers to ways we can choose to organise our ideas our sequences of repetitive behaviour and actions to produce results.

Although well grounded in psychological theory and research Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is first and foremost about action rather than theory. It deals with the structure of subjective experience, how we organise what we see, hear and feel and how we edit and filter the outside world through our senses.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP )is a model of communication that focuses on identifying and using your patterns of thought that influence your behaviour as a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of your life.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an effective proven method for accelerated change.

In short you will find it easier to achieve your personal and professional goals because you’ll gain greater access to your internal resources removeing obstacles that have been holding you back as well as having a great deal of fun while doing this with me.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) History

NLP started in the early seventies from the collaboration of Dr John Grinder, an Assistant Professor of linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Richard Bandler, a computer scientist and Gestalt therapist.

Together they produced a linguistic model that identified the language patterns of a few gifted individuals such as the world-famous Hypnotherapists, Milton Erickson, MD, Fritz Perls, of Gestalt therapy, Anthropologist Gregory Bateson and Virginia Satir of family systems therapy.

The synthesis of their findings, a blend of cognitive and behavioural science, resulted in the technology known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. In the 30+ years since it was first developed, NLP has grown, changed and expanded and it continues to do so today.

It has given rise to techniques that can be used both personally and professionally. They are used internationally in fields such as therapy, sports, business, sales, education and self development.

The Presuppositions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.

The meaning of the communication is the response you get.

All of us are able to make distinctions concerning our environment and our behaviour can be usefully represented through the visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.

The resources you need in order to effect a change are already within you.

The map is not the territory.

The positive worth of the individual is held constant while the value and appropriateness of internal and/or external behaviour is questioned.

There is a positive intention motivating every behaviour and a context in which every behaviour has value.

Feedback vs. Failure – All results and behaviours are achievements whether they are desired outcomes for a given task/context or not.
Now you know something about NLP

So if you want a fast effective and fun way to transform

Call Me Today
And begin your adventure

Paul Hast of Real Smart Hypnosis.
Paul has learnt from the best trainers and practitioners of Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Here are some of The Masters.

Dr Richard Bandler.
Ross Jeffries.
Duncan McColl.

Tony Robbins.
Dr Jack La Tourrette.
Paul McKenna

Dr Yates Canipe.
John Lavelle.
Major Mark Cummings.

Tom Vizzini.
Kim MacFadden.
Michael Breen.

Training and Qualifications in Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Design Human Engineer (DHE)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
(Dr Richard Bandler)

E-mail Paul Hastings for NLP therapy

Site map for Real Smart Hypnosis in Warwickshire

Real Smart Hypnosis offers you in a highly effective and individual service in Hypnosis Hypnotherapy NLP and Huna from an exclusive practice in Leamington Spa Warwickshire.

Now you have the opportunity to solve your problems and feel great in the process. You will experience a depth of relaxation, and pleasure that you have seldom experienced.

Rapid results are achieved in all aspects of NLP, Personal Development and Life Coaching, Reducing Stress, Weight Loss and Stopping Smoking.

Leamington Spa Warwickshire, is within easy reach of Warwick, Coventry, Birmingham, London and the West Midlands. The nearest train stations are Warwick and Leamington Spa with good links to London, Leicester, Nottingham, the East Midlands and the rest of the UK.

Birmingham and Coventry airport are with in easy reach of Leamington Spa.

Experience exquisite personal change from one of the oldest Hypnosis practices in the Midlands.

It’s time to design your life
Call Paul Today
If I am with a client leave a message. I will always return your call.

I can help you with:

• Stop Smoking
• Slimming
• Weight Problems
• Stress
• Confidence
• Phobias
• Relationships
• Break-ups and Divorce
• Motivation
• Sports Performance
• Business Development
• Personal Development
• Exams Nerves
• Sexual Issues
• Anger Management
• Jealousy
• Fear
• Anxiety
• Nerves
• Resentment
• Bullying
• Sleep Problems
• Wedding Nerves

Psychic http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/psychic/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:07:28 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=29 Read More »Psychic]]> Psychic Hypnosis and ESP

Hypnosis Self Hypnosis NLP Huna
For The Development of ESP and Magical Skills

Are you Psychic. Would you like to be
Do You Want to Develop ESP
Become More Psychic
Influence Others
Control Your States in Magical Practices
Visualise in Detail
Create 3d Realities You Interact With
Improve Your Skills as a Magician

Occultists Magicians Sorcery Witches Wizards and Ferret Jugglers of Reality
Read ON

You will learn the most exquisite mental control.
Manifest your Realities.
If you are Practising Occultism you need this Knowledge

Hypnosis and ESP are both common and little understood by most people there is a tendency to think of them together, and for good reasons. Historically several phenomena which we today call ESP, psychic, magic were observed to occur more often in people who were in hypnosis. And we are in a form of trance most of our lives.

The hypnotised state and ESP were and are often seen together. as alpha brain waves are produced and your subconscious mind know what you want.

Most people have very little control over there mental states and NLP Hypnosis Huna and EFT are the best way to gain exquisite control of these states. And control with your subconscious mind or basic self is vital for consistent manifestation in your life.

The ability to change states at will and create new belief systems that change your perception of your reality will dramatically change the way you experience and develop ESP or Magical skills

Dr Richard Bandler co founder of NLP has said “ you may as well hallucinate what’s really there”

When you create beliefs that support the results you want, you in effect mould your universe in order to produce, to manifest these experiences in to your reality. It is about letting the universe become aware of what you want to manifest in your lives, yes lives.

You can with practice can perceiving sensations being directly experienced by another person at a distance, and infulance them. NLP would call this rapport.

In deep self hypnosis you can change the way you think, your habits and beliefs and how you perceive the world., so that you can think in ways that are good for ESP and Psychic work.

Hypnosis can be used to develop ESP. However, hypnosis does not produce ESP, instead it produces an altered state that you have designed and calabrated, that will in turn affect ESP, Psychic or Magical, Occult practices.

Self Hypnosis NLP and Huna with practice will allow you to control your states and direct your brain to produce the brain wave activity that ads the experience of ESP. You can learn to remain awake in states were you used to be asleep, or unconscious.

Exquisite hypnotists are well versed in this and will go to lower brain waves than there clients. This allows the client to follow them to these states. And with practice allow us to perceive and experience your realties and mental processes.

At these leavels we can hear the sounds the voices in your mind, and see the pictures in your head.
Very usefull for psychic infulance.
This does require you to practice and take responsibility for your own mind.

Extrasensory Perception, or ESP, is the name given to any ability to acquire information by means other than the five canonical senses (taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing), or any other sense well known to science

Because the definition of sense is vague, the precise definition of extrasensory is as well, but the term is generally used in reference to humans, to imply sources of information unknown to modern science.

Some types of ESP

Perception of events in other places (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, rv)

Perception of events in other times (precognition, retrocognition, second sight, lucid dreaming)

Perception of aspects of others not perceivable by most people ( energy work, praying, aura reading)

The ability to sense communications from, and communicate with, people far away (telepathy), beyond the grave (medium-hood and séancing, spirit walking), or in other dimensions ( astral projection)

Claims of psychic abilities, remote viewing and healing have not been empirically proven.
But nether has LOVE.

Hypnosis Self Hypnosis & NLP to Enhance Magic Magick and Occult Practices

Magick is an alternate spelling of magic, coined by Aleister Crowley to differentiate ‘the true science of the Magi from all its counterfeits’.

One definition of magick is “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”. This included “mundane” acts of imagination as well as ritual magic.

In Magick in Theory and Practice, Chapter XIV, Crowley says:
What is a Magical Operation? It may be defined as any event in nature which is brought to pass by Will.

So any thing that you have used you imagination to create is Magical.
And most of your life you created using this.
Your sofa and tv included. We are all magicians we co create our universe.
This is why Hypnosis Self Hypnosis NLP and Huna are vital in your magical development.

Now this is the cool thing.

We now have techniques that will allow you to.

  • Step into Someone and Know what they are Experiencing.
  • Influence There Thoughts.
  • Influence There Energy Field.
  • Pre-infulance Events.
  • Psychic Influence.
  • Program Others Dreams.
  • Make Friends With Your Own Subconscious Mind.
  • Influence Your Higher Self.

In magick we have a similar problem to what we have in martial arts.

Most martial arts will get you hurt in a combat situation, the techniques work on the dojo but not in the streets. Tradition can be a killer along with a teacher who has never needed to use there stuff for real. Or who has excepted what they were taught with out testing it.

In real magick as in combat we are only interested in results. so if it does not work it goes.
However only when we have the skills necessary to make that decision.

I often meet occultists or people who calm to be witches, magicans yet when I ask them what there results are they can’t tell me, or they are disappointed with them, there manifestations are not consistent with there requests.

Were is there calabration.

I take my students out in to the streets to practice and develop there skills on real people.

Most traditional systems don’t work.
There are 7 things you need to do to get results you can verify.
With out them it is like trying to drive a car with out petrol in the tank.
If you are on a hill you will move, so some of the time you will get the result you want.


Do You Want Results?

Call Me Today and Improve you Magical Skills

The naughty stuff. Creating pain or discomfort. Controlling others. Do you create pain and suffering and anxiety or stress in your reality, or some one else’s?

Do you display behaviours that manipulate others for your gain.
nagging, winging, wining, emotional tantrums to control other and get your own way.

Using peoples problems against them. playing on there emotional needs.

Sounds naughty, however if you are on this planet, in business, sales or in a relationship the answer is yes you do.

And you have done it to others, had it done to you, or more accurately allowed others to do this to you.

If you would like to stop this Black Magic or have the influence of some one or something removed.

Call Me Today and Improve you Magical Skills

E-mail Paul to Develope you Magical Powers

Magick and Related Articles



This article mentions some of the Magick and Hypnotic practices used to achive Female Ejaculation


-NLP, Hypnosis and Ritual Magick


-Instant Evocation




A Goat Tale – Read this, then you can say, “I partied with Pan!”

Magick and Related Links

Home of Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction products. Ross was the original pioneer of using techniques from the field of NLP Hypnosis and psychology in the area of seduction.  Secrets Of “Kick-Butt” Magick” and Psychic…Influence Most of the other people out there teaching and being successful at seduction incorporate ideas that they got from Ross originally. Ross’ more recent products, and especially his seminars have an emphasis on creating personal change in your own life to allow you to go out and get what you want from life. This is a must visit site. Ross teaches no B.S. His teachings work.

Celtic Mysteries Celebrate the spirit of the Celts with beautiful Sterling Silver Celtic knotwork, rings, pendants, brooches, Tapestries and Hooded Cloaks at affordable prices.

Philip H. Farber’s Home Page – Magick, Hypnosis, NLP- Author Philip H. Farber offers articles and essays about ritual magick, NLP,hypnosis, and more.

Moonlight Mysteries: Mystical Gifts and Accessories
Beautiful Pagan, Wiccan and Celtic jewelry and occult supplies. Everything from pentacles and talismans to cloaks and incense can be found here at very reasonable prices!

SpellSpot Discount Wiccan & Pagan Supply
Wicca Supplies, Witchcraft Supplies, Wiccan, Pagan & Metaphysical Jewelry, Books & Music. Free Gift with Purchase & Sabbat Specials. Pagan owned and operated by the Law of Three.

UK Pagan Links


Inside A Cauldron – Greetings! Welcome to our new online goth and wicca shop based in the UK (we also sell to anywhere in the world). We sell everything a goth or witch needs. We decided to combine these two to cater especially for gothic-witches without compromising on either part, so we have a good range of products for those who are wiccan, goth or both. Please visit us soon. Blessed Be.

Listen to Free Silva UltraMind Training Online
Get a 9 chapter eBook and 30 minute audio on the Silva UltraMind System – for Free. Special Promotion this week. Click here now.

Occult Books and Related

Jose Silva’s Ultramind ESP System: Think Your Way to Success; ~ Ed Bernd

Prime Chaos ~ Phil Hine

Futureritual ~ Phil H Farber

Quantum Psychology ~ Robert Anton Wilson

Opening to the Infinite ~ Bryant & Seeback

The Holographic Universe ~ Michael Talbot

The Users Illusion ~ Tor Norretranders

Voluntry Controls ~ Jack Schwarz

Mastering Your Hidden Self ~ Serge Kahili King

Why Stress Makes You Dumb http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/makes-dumb/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:01:27 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=25 Read More »Why Stress Makes You Dumb]]>


Why stress makes you dumb.

Have you ever wondered why you, under stress, become dumb?

Ever wondered why an intelligent person like you, who are educated may even have a degree an ordinarily sane and logical rational person, suddenly turns out of control over something that later you know is stupid.

Like a total stranger cutting you up while you are in a car (road rage), or if things are not going your way, you get angry, upset depressed and moody. You go from an adult to almost a child throwing a tantrum.

Many relationship problems are caused by over emotional responses that are flabagasting and incredibly frustrating to other people.

Even worse when you get nervous, worried or frightened or stressed you have problems thinking clearly and your IQ drops.

You know what happens if you have not developed emotional control when your emotions get away with you, or someone says something you disagree with, and you’re triggered into something very unpleasant. And bang suddenly you lose all sense of reason, and say, or do something that makes you look a total idiot.

You have gone from being calm, intelligent and articulate and within a few seconds something has taken over, and your IQ has dropped, and you are behaving like an irrational spoilt child. We have all done it.

Would you like it to be different?
The problem is that when you make decisions or speak in this state, you are dumb, literally the stress chemicals make you that way. Why?

Stress is a big problem in today’s life, and yet the ways to reduce it and be more in control of your emotions and be emotionally calmer do that you have fewer frustrations and annoyances in life can be so simple.

However, until now, you may not have even considered it. Despite what you may have been taught, you and only you are responsible for how you feel.

It is a biological fact that has been proven in the lab many times, that when you are frightened which is another way of understanding being in a stressed response you are dumber, you suddenly do not have access to all your higher brain functions. A lot of research has and is still being done in this area.

Children and adults do it to themselves all the time they go into an exam or interview and just can’t think of the answers when it is all over, and they get outside they know the answers. Now that the stress is over they can think again.
So why does getting stressed make your IQ drop?

Some Very Basic Biology of Your Stress Responses.
In some area of the mind, you have noticed some danger or threats real or just something you made up. A possible threat to your life, food source, security or more usual your ego and self-concept.

This can be real, or it can be an imaginary fear, something that you have created in your own mind. This sets off one of your bodies protection mechanisms the HPA axis, your hypothalamus-pituitary-axis.

This then sends a signal to your pituitary gland, it sends a message to your adrenal glands, this fires off your fight, freeze or flight responses. Now remember this threat can be real, or it can be something you have imagined, or even made up in your own mind.

Your body now begins to change the way blood is sent around your body and brain. Being stressed changes how your brain receives blood and how much it gets, and which parts light up and which shut down.

Your forebrain that controls your logic and reasoning works far slower than your hindbrain your subconscious mind, In an emergency, you need to act quickly, and your conscious mind is just not able to do this, so it gets turned down, it does not work as well.

Think about it. Remember a time when you were driving your car, and a child ran out in front of you, or something similar. If you had to consciously work out your speed, angle, child’s weight, your deceleration, you would not have been able to do it. You would have hit the child. You just can’t think fast enough. But the other part of your mind can so it takes over.

So under stresses, your subconscious mind will actually pull blood away from your logical and thinking part of your brain. To stop you thinking because if the danger is real, your thinking is to slow.

So the stress chemicals and responses are designed to enhance your survival. But you get dumber. You can’t think. Now you know why and more importantly what you can begin to do about it.

Many people are trained to keep their intelligence and respond or react to real life and death situations. Without going dumb. Military, security, police, ambulance, fire service personnel and airline pilots are all trained on how to behave and respond. When it hits the fan.

Many people go into an adrenaline dump and survival mode over the slightest thing. Something that is no real threat. You can also learn how to do the same. It is not difficult to do this. You just have to decide if a more tranquil and powerful emotional life is worth it to you.


NLP Therapy http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/http-www-realsmart-hypnosis-com-nlptherapy/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 00:56:45 +0000 http://realsmart-hypnosis.com/?p=22 Read More »NLP Therapy]]> NLP Therapy Fast Change in Warwickshire

Do You Want To Be Free From

Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Phobias and Fears
Emotional Problems
Anger Management
Negative Thinking
Low Self Confidence

Now you can be…and it’s Easy Fun and Fast

Call Today

All though most Neuro Linguistic Programmers would not use the term NLP Therapy, for the sake of the search engines and common searched terms I will use it here.

Therapy sessions using NLP techniques.

NLP therapy is carried out in an awake state, and is therefore particularly suitable for people who do not understand the nature of Hypnosis, and who still would like to benefit from a fast and effective form of therapy.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a model of how we structure our own unique experiences in life. How we build the maps of reality that we each use to structure our worlds. Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) we discover, patterns of thought, beliefs, values and help you to change.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is very quick and effective, 1 to 2 sessions are all that is usually required.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is active and focused on outcomes empowering you to change your own perceptions of the past, present and your future.

The emphasis will be on how you create, how you are today from experiences past and present as well as your ideas about your future. The main focus is on how rather than why.

Some of the things we may work with together

• Changing Behaviors
• Enhancing Existing Behaviors
• Developing New Skills and Resources
• Changing Your Perceptions of Events
• Transforming Limiting Belief

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

You could think of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as an owner’s manual for the brain.
You were not born with the manual.

NLP is the knowledge of how your brain codes your leanings and experiences. This coding affects all of your behavior and how you perceive the world around you. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is your key to reaching your goals and achieving excellence In all area of your life.

The ‘Neuro’ part of NLP acknowledges the fundamental idea that all behavior stems from our neurological processes of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and feeling. We experience the world through our five senses, making sense of the information and then acting on it.

The ‘Linguistic’ part of the title indicates that we use language and other non-verbal communication to order our thoughts and behavior and to communicate with others.

The ‘Programming’ refers to ways we can choose to organize our ideas our sequences of repetitive behavior and actions to produce results.

Although well grounded in psychological theory and research Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is first and foremost about action rather than theory. It deals with the structure of subjective experience, how we organize what we see, hear and feel and how we edit and filter the outside world through our senses.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP )is a model of communication that focuses on identifying and using your patterns of thought that influence your behavior as a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of your life.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an effective proven method for accelerated change.

In short you will find it easier to achieve your personal and professional goals because you’ll gain greater access to your internal resources removing obstacles that have been holding you back as well as having a great deal of fun while doing this with me.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP )History

NLP started in the early seventies from the collaboration of Dr John Grinder, an Assistant Professor of linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Richard Bandler, a computer scientist and Gestalt therapist.

Together they produced a linguistic model that identified the language patterns of a few gifted individuals such as the world-famous Hypnotherapists, Milton Erickson, MD, Fritz Perls, of Gestalt therapy, Anthropologist Gregory Bateson and Virginia Satir of family systems therapy.

The synthesis of their findings, a blend of cognitive and behavioral science, resulted in the technology known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. In the 30+ years since it was first developed, NLP has grown, changed and expanded and it continues to do so today.

It has given rise to techniques that can be used both personally and professionally. They are used internationally in fields such as therapy, sports, business, sales, education and self development.

The Presuppositions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.

The meaning of the communication is the response you get.

All of us are able to make distinctions concerning our environment and our behavior can be usefully represented through the visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.

The resources you need in order to effect a change are already within you.

The map is not the territory.

The positive worth of the individual is held constant while the value and appropriateness of internal and/or external behavior is questioned.

There is a positive intention motivating every behavior and a context in which every behavior has value.

Feedback vs. Failure – All results and behaviors are achievements whether they are desired outcomes for a given task/context or not.
Now you know something about NLP

So if you want a fast effective and fun way to transform

Call Me Today
And begin your adventure

For instant help with life’s problems MP3 recordings £15.00


Paul Hastings of Real Smart Hypnosis.
Paul has been honored to from the best trainers and practitioners of Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Here are some of The Masters.

Dr Richard Bandler.
Ross Jeffries.
Duncan McColl.

Tony Robbins.
Dr Jack La Tourrette.
Paul McKenna

Dr Yates Canipe.
John Lavelle.
Major Mark Cummings.

Tom Vizzini.
Kim MacFadden.
Michael Breen.

Training and Qualifications in Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Design Human Engineer (DHE)
( Dr Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna , Michel Breen)

Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
(Dr Richard Bandler)

Site map for Real Smart Hypnosis in Warwickshire

Real Smart Hypnosis offers you in a highly effective and individual service in Hypnosis Hypnotherapy NLP and Huna from an exclusive practice in Leamington Spa Warwickshire.

Now you have the opportunity to solve your problems and feel great in the process. You will experience a depth of relaxation, and pleasure that you have seldom experienced.

Rapid results are achieved in all aspects of NLP, Personal Development and Life Coaching, Reducing Stress, Weight Loss and Stopping Smoking.

Leamington Spa Warwickshire, is within easy reach of Warwick, Coventry, Birmingham, London and the West Midlands. The nearest train stations are Warwick and Leamington Spa with good links to London, Leicester, Nottingham, the East Midlands and the rest of the UK.

Birmingham and Coventry airport are with in easy reach of Leamington Spa.

Experience exquisite personal change from one of the oldest Hypnosis practices in the Midlands.

It’s time to design your life
Call Paul Today

If I am with a client leave a message. I will always return your call.

For instant help with problems MP3 recordings £15.00

I can help you with:

• Stop Smoking
• Slimming
• Weight Problems
• Stress
• Confidence
• Phobias
• Relationships
• Break-ups and Divorce
• Motivation
• Sports Performance
• Business Development
• Personal Development
• Exams Nerves
• Sexual Issues
• Anger Management
• Jealousy
• Fear
• Anxiety
• Nerves
• Resentment
• Bullying
• Sleep Problems
• Wedding Nerves

